
About Me

As I get more involved in the blogging world, I thought it was about time to introduce myself a little more.

My name is Brooke and I am a stay/work at home mom.  I married my middle school sweetheart 4 years ago and we have been together for a total of 15 years.  We have 3 children together. Brock is 4, Emma is almost 2 and Gabriel is our sweet little angel baby.

I started The Sensory Emporium when Brock was just a few months old.  I wanted a way to provide extra income for my family as well as do something I love doing; create.  It started off with sensory related baby toys and has developed from there.  About a year and a half ago, I purchased a Silhouette Cameo and have transformed my business into items for the home, mom and baby as well as my pen holder.

What started off as a very very small business has blossomed into something that provides a bit of a fun budget.  I very much appreciate all of my customers. It's because of you that I am able to stay home with my babies.

My other business venture is Origami Owl Custom Jewelry and if you're interested, I would love to talk more about it with you. 

So that's me, in a nutshell. Follow my blog and I'm sure you'll learn much much more!


  1. I have tried some of the fonts but my sketch pen makes the letters look like an outline.
    Is there something special I have to do? I have a silhouette cameo.

    1. There are some fonts that you can purchase that are single lines. Most fonts are double lines but the smaller you write the less noticeable it is. Or there is a tutorial on filling fonts on my blog.

  2. I am looking for the You are my sunshine lyrics you did in a shape,
